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Our Solutions

MyBiz specialises in providing procurement with end-to-end Spend Management solutions covering spend optimisation, strategic sourcing and strategic procurement to successfully optimise cost to increase organisation's profit and achieve savings goal.

Spend Analysis


Achieve your savings goal through interactive and automated spend analysis

Make smarter business decisions by taking control over what you spend on, with whom, on what terms, and at what prices.



Digitize and automate your procurement process

Procure-to-pay solution is instrumental for better compliance and spend control. Our solution can be easily configurable to sit on top of any ERP system so you can manage your direct and indirect spend with ease in a single place.



Streamline your tendering process

Covering the entire tendering process, this sophisticated solution improves the quality and efficiency of transactions between a buyer and his suppliers. Gain better oversight over supplier bids to help you evaluation tender submissions and pick the best suppliers for you.


Comprehensive and cost effective eBidding solution

Generate huge savings running reverse or forward auctions in a fair, transparent, and competitive environment for suppliers in real time.

Supplier Relationship Management


Manage your suppliers and take the collaboration to the next level

Forge better relationship with your supplier through collaboration by making common work process faster, cheaper, and better.


Enjoy a central contract repository for cost control and compliance management

Access your contractual agreements anywhere, anytime in our cloud-based contract management system. Share information about projects and performance of suppliers across the entire organization, increasing knowledge and reducing the usage of ineffective contractors.

Procurement Consulting

Managed Service

Extensive procurement consulting capabilities

Focus on what is important to you and get easy access to the consultant and support team in your journey. Let our team help you manage your procurement transformation to always stay up-to-date with the latest technology. This will help in reducing any related cost for software upgrades.

Success stories

Our clients’ achievements demonstrate more on our capabilities. Learn how MyBiz solutions help companies to achieve their procurement objectives and achieve their savings goal through spend management and digital transformation.

Try our solutions today

Whether you want to increase profitability, improve efficiency or reduce cost, we are here to help you achieve your goals. Request a free demonstration of our live solutions from our consultants and explore how our solutions can bring value to your company.

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